Early Genius…I Guess?

Life (Written 2006)

The world is a battle field
And you’re another soldier,
Your life is a sword to wield,
And through life you’ll ‘come bolder.

‘Cause life is an endless war,
With many things worth fighting for.

Many battles go through your life,
Of passion and of work,
Each with its own troubles rife,
And each with its own perk.

‘Cause life is an endless war,
With hidden rests and endless chores.

Though it may be hard at times,
With rewards is troubles stirred,
Always with solace is sorrow rhymed,
And the just will always be heard.

‘Cause life is an endless war,
And life will go on, evermore.


This is one of my earliest poems, and I really wanted to be poetic. Hence the refrain. Of course, it was also born as a song, so the refrain just needed to be there. =)

I haven’t written in a bit now, huh? I have been busy. Two of my aunts, and my sister in law are all pregnant, and all due at nearly the same time, and all have at least two kids- and I baby sit for all three of them. So, with them getting on in their resective pregnancies, I have been asked to help around their houses, and babysit while they went out for check ups and ultrasounds. I have been busy. And, hoestly, I can’t think of much to write. I have been in a foul mood lately, the sort that makes you want to just blow off absolutely everything, and it has been a little difficult to sit down and find joy in rhythm and rhyme. (<- Those are two very interesting words, by the way. And, thinking of that, you, all of you, aught to check out Etymonline.com. It is a dictionary of the etymology of words. It is amazing! It is super-duper cool. Really. I will get on there and find myself spending hours at a time looking up different words. It is awesome. I mean, just start with applaud and explode. Applaud comes from Latin ad + plaudere and explode comes from Latin also, ex + plaudere. Same root! Turns out that, while applaud meant to clap for- as in, with pleasure or approval- explode meant to reject with scorn. The Latin prefix ‘ad-‘ implying movement toward, and ‘plaudere’ meaning ‘to clap,’ put together, it meant ‘to clap for.’ The Latin prefix ‘ex-‘ means ‘out of.’ Take that with ‘plaudere’ and you get ‘to clap out’ – aka, to boo off stage. I mean, seriously, how cool is that?!)


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